在執行Windows上的測試,我們都有固定一包firefox,直接丟到測試系統中,並設定firefox.exe於環境變數PATH中;Linux則是直接使用系統預設的。然而在更新Selenium2Library同時,發現新的selenium在Windows上會強制讀取ProgramFiles內的Firefox。讓我直接參考selenium的 (v2.46.0):
def _get_firefox_start_cmd(self): """Return the command to start firefox.""" start_cmd = "" if platform.system() == "Darwin": start_cmd = ("/Applications/") elif platform.system() == "Windows": start_cmd = (self._find_exe_in_registry() or self._default_windows_location()) elif platform.system() == 'Java' and os._name == 'nt': start_cmd = self._default_windows_location() else: for ffname in ["firefox", "iceweasel"]: start_cmd = self.which(ffname) if start_cmd is not None: break else: # couldn't find firefox on the system path raise RuntimeError("Could not find firefox in your system PATH." + " Please specify the firefox binary location or install firefox") return start_cmd def _default_windows_location(self): program_files = [os.getenv("PROGRAMFILES", r"C:\Program Files"), os.getenv("PROGRAMFILES(X86)", r"C:\Program Files (x86)")] for path in program_files: binary_path = os.path.join(path, r"Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe") if os.access(binary_path, os.X_OK): return binary_path return ""
鄉民可能會問: 那不是直接在系統上裝一個就好了嗎? 我只能說: 我們的系統不是想裝就可以裝阿!
How to?
我選擇最直接的: 修改原始碼,多增加一個自用變數判斷。優先抓取我自訂的系統變數,這變數是宣告Firefox執行檔路徑:
def _get_firefox_start_cmd(self): """Return the command to start firefox.""" start_cmd = self._tony_firefox_location() if start_cmd != "": return start_cmd if platform.system() == "Darwin": start_cmd = ("/Applications/") elif platform.system() == "Windows": start_cmd = (self._find_exe_in_registry() or self._default_windows_location()) elif platform.system() == 'Java' and os._name == 'nt': start_cmd = self._default_windows_location() else: for ffname in ["firefox", "iceweasel"]: start_cmd = self.which(ffname) if start_cmd is not None: break else: # couldn't find firefox on the system path raise RuntimeError("Could not find firefox in your system PATH." + " Please specify the firefox binary location or install firefox") return start_cmd def _tony_firefox_location(self): binary_path = os.getenv("TONY_FIREFOX", r"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe") if os.access(binary_path, os.X_OK): return binary_path return ""
@echo off set BASE=%~dp0 set TONY_FIREFOX=%BASE%firefox_win\firefox.exe
#!/bin/bash FULLPATH=`dirname "$0"`/`basename "$0"` BASE=`readlink -f "$FULLPATH"` BASEPATH=`dirname $BASE` FF_HOME=$BASEPATH/firefox_linux TONY_FIREFOX=$FF_HOME/firefox export TONY_FIREFOX
透過Create WebDriver的Keyword,也是可以傳入Firefox的執行路徑。但考量到SeleniumLibrary升級問題,所以我使用最直接的方法。